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The Only Three Bathroom Organization Tips You’ll Ever Need!

Bathroom Organization Tips


For such a small space, it’s amazing how much stuff can accumulate in a bathroom. From kids’ toys to beauty products to magazines to bottles, it doesn’t take much clutter before you’re running to Pinterest [2] in search of tips for organizing your bathroom.

Lucky for you, if your bathroom is in serious need of some proper organization, you don’t have to go far. I’ve got the only three bathroom organization tips you’ll ever need right here!

Want more of this?  This is the second in a series of Frugal Ways To Organize Your Home [3] (click to see the first: Four Ways to Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen for Good [4])!  I also have started a Pinterest Board called How To Organize My Home [5].  I will be putting all of my posts on there as well as other things I find online that look interesting to me!  And readers who sign up for the Home Organization E-Mail List [3] will receive bonus material!

1. Move Items Out

Your bathroom is not a storage closet; it should contain the bare minimum and nothing else. Leave the essential beauty and hygiene items that you use on a daily basis in the cabinet, and move all of the non-essentials out. This includes extra hair products, make-up you don’t use that frequently, cold medicines you only use rarely, those 15 extra rolls of toilet paper, those 5 extra towels… The items should go into a nearby linen closet instead. If you find any expired medications, empty beauty product bottles or kids’ toys that have seen better days, go ahead and pitch them.

2. Maximize Your Storage Space

Of course, if you don’t have a linen closet to move items to or if you have lots of items you consider essential, you’ll have to make the most of the space you do have. Choose a sink with a cabinet underneath, over the toilet storage [6], or a larger medicine cabinet. Use a hanging shampoo holder [7] in the shower to hold your shampoo, conditioner, face wash and soap. Hang your razor on the wall. Corral all of your kids’ toys in the bath with a plastic container or mesh bag with suction cups. Install high shelves over the doors and windows or hooks behind the doors.

3. Share Products

Chances are, your family doesn’t need three different kinds of soap, four different kinds of toothpaste and five different kinds of shampoo. Unless someone in your family has specific medical needs or strong preferences, try to find one soap, one toothpaste and one shampoo that works for your whole family. You also don’t have to have as many towels as you have people in your family, either. Hang a couple up and switch them out as needed. This can drastically increase your bathroom organization.

Is your bathroom very organized, not too bad or a complete disaster? What other tips for organizing your bathroom do you have?